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Internship at UMRS1124

Student, looking for a internship? Send your CV and cover letter at

For your information : An internship is a period of practical training that is complementary to your academic training. It is the subject of a binding agreement between your institution, our university and you. Tutors from your institution and our university are designated to support you with respect to the tasks that you have been assigned. The internship agreement must take place between October 1 and September 30 of the academic year in which the student is enrolled. If the training period exceeds two consecutive months, a bonus must be paid to the student which is calculated from the first day of training and which corresponds to 15 % of the hourly social security ceiling unless an alternative internship agreement is applicable (4.05 euros an hour)

The unit is deeply involved in teaching. Currently, there are 18 professors or assistant professors within the unit and this figure will significantly increase in the future.

The teaching projects in which the unit has a leading position, which include primarily Master degree programs, are listed below.

Master of Biomedical Engineering (BME-Paris) : The BME PARIS master’s program is designed to provide a 2-year education program in the field of bioengineering, at the crossroad of biomedical and engineering science. It results from a partnership between Université de Paris, Arts et Métiers and Université PSL. Based on this unique partnership, this master’s program is founded on an educational policy that favors interdisciplinarity and students’ initiative as well as international perspective. Specialties cover Biomechanics, Biomaterials, Biotherapy, Bioimaging, and Neuroengineering. R. Barouki instituted the program in 2010, S. Bernard (team 3) is the present co-chair (representing the université de Paris). F Rannou (team 4) co-chairs the Biomechanics specialty and M. Piétri (team 2) co-chairs the Master 1 program.

Master of Toxicology : (Xavier Coumoul, Armelle Baeza) responds to a major societal need in the field of toxicology. Recurring health crises, both at the environmental (bisphenol A, phthalates, pesticides, fine particles, etc.) and drugs (Médiator®, Dépakine®, etc.) levels, demonstrate the close relationship between humans and their environment & the dramatic consequences of a poor health risk’s assessment. Furthermore, the development of new technologies and innovations in the fields of industry and research, implies that new substances are continually generated. The question of the effects on human health and ecosystems of changing environments is then a major concern.
The first year (M1, Etienne Blanc, Karine Andréau) is focused on the basics of toxicology and makes it possible to focus on two M2 specialties in toxicology. Each M2 is specialized in all aspects of the exposure consequences of a living organism to a potential toxicant: from the molecular bases of toxicity to legislative and regulatory aspects.

1) HUMAN TOXICOLOGY, RISK ASSESSMENT, VIGILANCES (THERV, Olivier Laprévote) whose main objective is training in the field of Human Toxicology linked mainly to health products and cosmetics (study of the metabolism and mechanisms of drug toxicity, experimental toxicology models, preclinical and clinical toxicology, analytical, regulatory applied to healthcare products, risk assessment).

2) ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH TOXICOLOGY (TES, Armelle Baeza, Xavier Coumoul) whose main objective is training in the field of Environmental Toxicology (study of human exposure to atmospheric, aquatic, food or professional environmental pollutants; understanding of their mechanisms of action, identification of health impacts, environmental epidemiology, predictive toxicology and assessment of environmental health risks).

Each graduate has a solid scientific knowledge on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of action of toxicants and their physiopathological consequences, on the methods of exposure and in epidemiology and risk assessment.

The Neuroscience master’s program is an international program designed to provide students with a broad knowledge in the field of neuroscience ranging from molecular and cellular to integrative neuroscience. High-skilled researchers, clinicians and experts in the vast and ever-growing field of neuroscience coming from universities, research institutes, hospitals, and industries are involved. Over 50 research laboratories and facilities are involved in this program to allow our students to complete their ten-month internship, in France or abroad. The Neuroscience master’s is dedicated to motivated students willing to pursue a career in the field of neuroscience, in both public and private sectors. T3S laboratory is highly involved in this program; Prof. Mehrnaz JAFARIAN-TEHRANI (Team 3) is the Program Chair of Neuroscience master’s program and EUR NeuroParis (SMARTS-UP). In addition, other members of T3S are actively involved in this program and are part of the academic staff, Prof. Charbel MASSAAD (Team 3), Prof Frédéric Charbonnier (Team 4), Dr Delphine MEFFRE (Team 3), Dr Olivier BIONDI (Team 4), and Dr Nicolas MARIE (Team 8). Besides, T3S is actively involved in the Lab training of Master students.

PhD schools : several members of the unit have been involved in the selection committees of two PhD schools : MTCI (Medication, Toxicology, Chemistry, Imaging) and BioSPC (Bio Sorbonne Paris Cité).

Undergraduate biomedical studies (Licence Biomédicale) : Several members of the unit have extensive duties related to the biochemistry, cell biology and neurobiology aspects of the program.

Participation in several important programs outside our university. Laboratory member are involved for example in the “Agrégation de Sciences de la Vie, Sciences de la Terre et de l’Univers” (O. Kellermann, chair, group 5) the Master of Public Health degree program (X Coumoul, R Barouki) and the biology courses at the polytechnical school (Ecole Polytechnique, B Schneider, group 5).

Innovative teaching : the unit is part of the CRI (Center for Research and Interdisciplinarity) Idefi led by F Taddéi, funded by the Grand Emprunt (french National Loan) which aims at developing interdisciplinary, project-driven, novel teaching approaches. In addition, the unit has also been involved in introducing novel teaching procedures for the licence level programs (X. Coumoul, clickers, interactive multimedia procedures).

Several members of the unit are also involved in the “Institut Villebon – Georges Charpak” (X. Coumoul, C. Chauvet, and E. Blanc, who is the coordinator of the curriculum for the University Paris Descartes). This undergraduate curriculum aims to allow promising students, who may sometimes be victims of self-censorship due to their social environment or the formal nature of teaching styles but who are interested in science, to obtain a degree and to gain the confidence and motivation necessary to continue their studies at the Master’s level or at an engineering school (“Grande Ecole”). Course instruction employs an active pedagogy based on experimentation in the spirit of Georges Charpak’s “main à la pâte” program. It has been specifically designed to promote the students’ confidence in their capacities to develop a desire to learn and to develop their creativity. It is based on interdisciplinary projects rooted in concrete applications as well as allowing considerable space for personal development.

We stress our commitment to sharing knowledge with and informing the public, whenever this is possible.